During my weekly shop at the supermarket I noted on my shopping list (always make one, it saves time and money) that I needed stain remover. When in the appropriate aisle it suddenly struck me how many cleaning products there were, there was a different product for every single cleaning job you could think of. Imagine having to start from scratch to buy everything! My mind started to wander, as it seems to do a lot these days, and I began thinking back to my Grandmothers day, bearing in mind that I have been a Granny myself for a number of years, that was quite a long time ago! She certainly did not have a multitude of cleaning products in her cupboard but her house was spotless and her washing whiter than white. So how did she do it? Here are some of the things I remember, others I have searched for plus lots of other tips and advice that can save you money and are less damaging to our environment.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Lemon

Using lemons to clean your home is an easy and safe method of reducing the use of toxic chemicals. They have antibacterial and antiseptic properties and of course there is that wonderful fresh, clean smell.

- Rub lemon onto chrome taps and rinse for a gleaming shine.
- Scrub grout with lemon juice and an old toothbrush.
- To clean the microwave, mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice in three quarters of a cup of water and heat in the microwave to boiling. Leave inside without opening the door for 10 mins then simply wipe and dry.
- Soak plastic food containers in diluted lemon juice to remove stains and odours. Wash as normal.
- Half a lemon in your refrigerator will keep it smelling fresh and will last for a week.
- For windows and mirrors add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to water in your spray bottle. Buff with an old newspaper afterwards.
- Keep those nasty insects out! Spray lemon juice in windowsills and door thresholds, also add to your floor wash for even more protection.
- A few drops of lemon juice added to simmering rice prevents it from sticking to the pan, making the pan easier to clean afterwards.
- Rub lemon juice onto your chopping board to get rid of stains and bacteria.
- Combine one part lemon juice to two parts olive oil for a natural furniture polish.
- A few drops of lemon juice in your wash can help your clothes smell fresher.
- To get more juice from lemons, cut in half and heat on high in your microwave for 40 seconds before squeezing.
- Have a go, you will be surprised at the results and you can get yourself a little treat with the money you save.

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